We are excited to offers a preschool program for ages 3 and 4 years of age. PPC's Preschool has been active in the Mint Hill community for more than 62 years. We consider it an honor to journey through these first formative years with your children. At PPC, our goals are to provide a nurturing environment while setting the highest standards for your child. Each child will develop at his/her own rate, and we strive to focus on the individual needs of your child. Our program teaches social studies, science, language arts, and health, in an enjoyable, Christian learning environment. We encourage children to develop their creativity through arts and crafts, music, and motion. The pastors of PPC lead weekly Chapel, where the children learn Bible stories and are encouraged to ask questions.
For more information, contact our Preschool
via email, or by phone at 704-545-3439 ext. 122.
Does my giving count?Yes, absolutely! Your generosity helps to support the mission of PPC and helps to change lives. It is also an act of faithful disciples.
Can I view my giving history?Sure! You can view your contribution record by logging into your Realm account. Realm is a secure portal for church members to access all types of information.
Is my giving safe?Yes, it is very safe and that is important to us as well. . The online giving link connects you with our online giving provider Realm.
What types of accounts can I give from?You can give online from your checking, savings account, debit or credit card.
Are there any fees involved with online giving?As the donor, you are not required to pay any fees with an online gift. However, the church does incur a small fee for processing. To assure that every penny you give goes to ministry, if you choose to donate online, we ask that you please consider checking the box to increase your donation by 3% to help offset these fees.
Can I make a one-time gift and/or set up a recurring gift?Yes, Realm allows you the option of either making a one-time contribution or setting up a recurring contribution that is scheduled to process from your bank account, savings account, or debit card at a frequency your choice. For recurring gifts, you have several options including one time, weekly, or monthly gifts.
Once I set it up, can I change my personal information or adjust the amount or frequency of the gift?Yes, you can change or cancel your contributions at any time before the date of your next contribution. Simply log into your Realm account and make the necessary changes in the system.
Who do I call if I have questions?If you need assistance or have a questions, please contact Helen Lupton at or 704-545-6172.