Sparking Curiosity, Igniting Learning, and Sharing the Love of Jesus Christ.

We are excited to offers a preschool program for children ages 2 -thru 5 years of age. PPC's Preschool has been active in the Mint Hill community for more than 62 years. We consider it an honor to journey through these first formative years with your children. At PPC, our goals are to provide a nurturing environment while setting the highest standards for your child. Each child will develop at his/her own rate, and we strive to focus on the individual needs of your child. We encourage children to develop their creativity through arts and crafts, music, and motion. The pastors of PPC lead weekly Chapel, where the children learn Bible stories, sing, dance, and are encouraged to ask questions.
For more information, contact our Director, Dana Blakeslee
via email, or by phone at 704-545-3439 ext. 122.

Philadelphia Presbyterian Preschool will provide each student with a wide variety of academic, social, physical, emotional, and Christian/Bible lessons. We will provide the foundation for each unit of study.
Each unit will have a theme, letter, color, shape, and Bible story each week. Our curriculum is an activity-based curriculum allowing children to learn through experience rather than by simply listening. Children will be offered unit-related choices so that they learn by doing what interests them.
Philadelphia Presbyterian Preschool teachers encourage creative expression with art, puzzles, writing and music; confidence will build as children examine a finished product created through their own ideas.
Children will be encouraged to become comfortable playing with others through group activities and to complete projects with the help of others. A familiar routine and flexible schedule will allow teachers to meet the needs of each child in a predictable environment. Philadelphia Presbyterian Preschool children have fun learning.
M o n d a y - F r i d a y
9 : 0 0 a m t o 1 : 0 0 p m
P h i l a d e l p h i a
P r e s b y t e r i a n P r e s c h o o l
f o l l o w s t h e C h a r l o t t e -
M e c k l e n b u r g s c h o o l
c a l e n d a r .